Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday After Vacation

This Monday after vacation sucked even more than most Mondays after vacation do. Caroline, who's had a fever since Friday afternoon, still had a fever so I kept her home and took her to the doctor this morning. She has an ear infection, which is good because it's an easy fix and she can go to day care tomorrow and has an excuse in case she spikes a fever again (ear infection) or has diarrhea (antibiotics). But, having her home all day meant that I got approximately 2 hours of work done, from 12:30 to 2:30 while she napped. 18 months is pretty much a god-awful age for trying to get anything done, there is very little independent play and what there is is dangerous (trying to take knives out of the dishwasher was one example from my day), and much of the rest of her behavior involves trying to climb up my leg and screeching when I am not giving her my 100% undivided attention. Sigh.

On top of that, when we returned home from vacation on Saturday we noticed our downstairs A/C  unit was making a loud noise, so somewhere amidst the sick baby chaos today I managed to have a service technician out to look at it, and he informed me the fan motor is broken and ball bearings are loose in there rolling around or something, and that I cannot run it until he replaces the part because if I do it will cause major additional damage to the unit. Unfortunately the part had to be ordered, and the earliest it could possibly be installed will be tomorrow afternoon. The good news is that if by some miracle it does manage to get fixed tomorrow, it shouldn't be too bad because the weather is forecast to be cool and rainy, with a high only of 80 tomorrow. So I have my fingers crossed that it gets fixed quickly -- I am NOT happy without A/C. And my office and bedroom are both on the first floor, ie affected by the malfunctioning A/C.

My final bit of bad luck today was walking out to the grill to heat it up in preparation for grilling some chicken I'd marinated, only to realize the propane tank was empty. I had to switch to plan B for the kids' dinner, chicken nuggets in the toaster oven (because I didn't want to turn the oven on with no A/C).

Fun day - not!

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