Monday, October 21, 2013

Caroline Update

Caroline fortunately seems to be feeling better over the last few days both with regards to the croup and her tummy troubles. She also has been talking up quite a storm seemingly overnight, now saying a lot of 2 and 3 word sentences which she was not doing before. Yesterday for example she said "I happy mama!" and "I want kiss!" both of which were very cute and I had not heard her say before. She also started being able to say "Becca" which she could not say before. Sometimes she can get the "c" sound in there and sometimes she leaves it out though ;) For some reason she still can't really say "Ben" though. She says "Beh". She is also getting soooo smart! For instance a couple of nights ago Joel burned something in the toaster, and I put my hands over Caroline's ears because I thought the smoke detector would go off. (It didn't). Then last night Joel put a hot frying pan in the sink and steam/smoke rose up from it and Caroline saw it, jumped up, and covered her ears ;) It was so cute!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Awesomely cute!