Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Kitten Pictures

Kitten pictures, because everyone likes to look at cute kittens right? I am a little peeved at Sheridan right now though, for some reason she is obsessed with people food and whenever I am eating anything at my desk or even drinking coffee or something she literally tries to climb all over me to take a taste. She just tried to jump onto my lap for the 50 thousandth time to have a look at my lunch, and I got clawed on the thigh. Ugh. Otherwise they are doing fine. I relocated them from my office to the laundry room (their litter box, food, water, and where they sleep at night but otherwise they have the run of the house now). They enjoy sleeping in the laundry. In the pic above, they are sleeping in CLEAN laundry so, please pardon the cat hair on the clean clothes...

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