Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mad Cats

Chamberlain has ringworm, and thanks to all the picking up /lugging around of said cat by Rebecca, Rebecca now has ringworm too. Chamberlain and Sheridan went to the vet today, and $345 later, we came home with instructions to shampoo them both with anti fungal shampoo once a week. Also they may need some oral medicine as well, which the vet needs to order or send out to be compounded or something, so I don't have that yet. You can see Chamberlain's ringworm infection in this picture below her shoulder. It's gross. Rebecca now has several small round scaly spots on her chest up near her neck, which makes sense because she picks Chamberlain up and holds her up against her chest. So now she has Lotramin cream 2x a day and the kittens had their first shampoo.  (Sheridan is being treated just because she will probably get ringworm from Chamberlain if she doesn't already have it though the vet didn't see any of it on her). The directions on the shampoo said to let it sit on the skin for 10 minutes before rinsing. After an initial, OMG I have to shampoo two kittens and then leave the shampoo on them for 10 minutes before rinsing? WTF? I decided that after shampooing in the kitchen sink I would lock the kittens in the bathroom shower stall for 10 minutes and then take them out one at a time for rinsing. This worked pretty well though the kittens, as you can see, were not thrilled! Neither was I, I have several scratches on my wrists despite my efforts to wear long sleeves to avoid being scratched. I now have wet sleeves and am still scratched :(

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Aaaww. Poor little kitty cats. I've never of cats having ringworm before:(