Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Back to the Salt Mines!

We had a great Thanksgiving visit with Aunt Abby, Uncle Mike and the cousins, who left this morning. Since then I have been trying to catch up for work (been off since last Monday afternoon), started some laundry and cleaned up a bit, and took the kittens to a follow-up vet appointment where they were pronounced ringworm-free. I also scheduled a 6 year old well exam for Becca (yes I totally dropped the ball on that and it is now two and a half months later!) and booked a 3 bedroom villa for two nights in Kiawah next weekend, because Joel is running a half marathon there on the 15th. Note to self-- next half marathon should be closer to home, since even off-season it is going to be $650 for two nights. The 15th is also Caroline's birthday, so it will be fun to be at the beach for her birthday I guess, even in December! Hopefully the weather will be good! Now back to work!!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Wow- another Kiawah trip. Awesome! Caroline's present will be mailed as soon as I return-hopefully to arrive by her birthday:)