Monday, December 23, 2013

Rainy Monday Christmas Eve Eve

Ben and Rebecca started their two week winter break today by sleeping until 8. Actually Caroline and Rebecca slept until I woke them up at 8:15. Why they can't do this on a day I actually have off, I don't know. The kids I guess had a long day yesterday; Ben went to a friend's house to play for the afternoon and then stayed up late watching some of the Eagles game, and Rebecca went to a classmate's birthday party (The Longest Birthday Party in History) at Ray's Splash Planet. Not sure what Caroline's excuse was; probably a combination of a shorter than usual nap yesterday, staying up a little past her bedtime, and the dark, rainy morning this morning.

I have a pile of stuff to do for work, a pile of dishes to do, a pile of laundry to do, and then to pack for Great Wolf Lodge, our annual Christmas tradition ;) We are heading over there tomorrow after lunch. This year, we have friends joining us there also, so the kids are extra-excited!

One more thing -- this morning at the cranky breakfast table after I woke them both up and hauled them downstairs-- Rebecca was whining because I was getting Caroline's breakfast and not doing whatever it was she'd asked me to do, and Caroline goes: "Becca! 'NUFF! [enough]. Mommy getting Cah-line's botbot!! [sippy cup]" LOL. Becca was not too happy to get scolded by a two year old.

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