Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Not the Best Start to the School Year...

So it turns out Becca is the one who I should have been worried about yesterday; she complained of having a stomach ache when she got home from school but soon seemed to forget about it until she up-chucked all over the bathroom while I was in the middle of getting dinner ready. There followed six (I think? I lost count) more episodes of vomit during the course of the night and she is at this moment curled up in a ball on the floor of my bedroom watching tv under a blanket, complaining that her stomach hurts. She ate a few crackers and had some ginger ale and seemed to do okay with those, so I am certainly hoping the worst is behind us.

Ben came home from school yesterday tired and not feeling well, and didn't eat much dinner last night or breakfast this morning, but pronounced himself "fine" this morning despite the indications to the contrary and headed off to school. Hopefully he is doing okay!

As for me, I started to feel sick overnight but either I am 24 hours behind Rebecca and haven't gotten to the bad part yet, or, I am successfully fighting it off... not at all sure which at this point! At any rate I am trying to take it easy.

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