Friday, August 22, 2014

Open House

Today was Open House at ELE. I kept the kids home from their last day of camp so that we could keep the schlepping back and forth to a minimum since the K-2 and 3-5 open houses were scheduled at different times. We stopped in the cafeteria and picked up agendas and school supply packs -- Ben's was a huge box that I then had to lug around with me for far too long. After a bit of wandering in circles we found Rebecca's classroom -- she is in one of the mobile classrooms and it is impossible to find the one you are looking for. It is all a maze of identical trailers back there. We did find it though and we met her teacher Mrs. Beale, filled out some forms and unpacked her supplies. Her friends Quinn and Nomi are in her class, so she is happy.

Then we left and went to Qdoba for lunch, did a quick errand, and headed back over to school. This time we brought Ben's supplies to his classroom and met his teacher Ms. Ebert (no relation to the Ms. Ebert who was Rebecca's teacher last year), and got his stuff all unpacked. There are a LOT of kids in Ben's class, and the textbooks on the desks looked huge! Then we met up with Charlie and helped him get his supplies picked up, visited his new classroom and took him on a brief tour of the school. We finished up with italian ice (very much appreciated on this 95 degree day!)

Now it's back to work until it is time for Ben's end of summer/belated birthday sleepover!

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