Friday, June 12, 2015

Dress Rehearsal

Quite a day today -- in addition to packing for the beach, we also had the dress rehearsal for the girls' dance recital (which is at 9am tomorrow morning). The dress rehearsal was pretty much exactly like the real thing (minus some sets and a few of the more advanced dancers' numbers, leaving mom to wonder.... "You mean I have to do this all *again* tomorrow?"

Caroline, having missed her nap so that mom could beat her unruly toddler hair into submission, was rather sullen and had a meltdown when it was time to go back stage. I left and found a seat in the audience rather doubtful that she would make it on stage ;) But make it onstage she did, and dance she did though she seemed to forget about half the moves and just kind of swayed in place for much of it ;) Rebecca went back stage and did both her numbers happily and confidently as usual despite complaining on the drive that she was scared/nervous. 

The real thing tomorrow, and then the beach!!

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