Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Graduate!

My newly minted SCMS 6th grader :) The graduation ceremony was at Providence High, and the auditorium was pretty well packed. It was an hour and a half long program, which included the principal crying during her commencement address, and many short speeches from students, a really really really long award ceremony where each student was called up and given recognition for at least one thing (Ben got A/B Honor Roll - so close to A honor roll it hurts! - as well as a reading award and something about art helper? I asked Ben what art helper was about and he had no idea ;) 

Afterwards he was amenable to photo-ops with his friends and teachers, I suppose sensing that this is what you are supposed to do after a graduation. We went to brunch afterwards where we gave him his graduation present - an iPhone 5c! Quite the lucky boy this week! He deserves it though! We also got a letter from SCMS with his section placement for the fall. He will be in an Honors language arts section and a regular math section, which sounds about right to me ;) Now to enjoy the summer!

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