Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Teeth Are Not For Biting

My sweet precious Caroline bit another child at preschool yesterday, so hard that it broke the skin. Caroline has never bitten another child before except for one incident over the winter when she was apparently playing "doggie" on the playground and got carried away. This time was much more serious, necessitating a call home to tell me about it, an email from the preschool director, and a call to the health department (fortunately they decided that since there was no actual blood involved that Caroline and the other child do not need to be tested for Hep B/C and HIV).

Needless to say, Mom was MORTIFIED. I talked with Caroline last night and again this morning about what happened and stressing that she is never ever to bite anyone ever again! I emailed the "bitee"'s mom and apologized (fortunately she was very forgiving). I also ordered a book to add to Caroline's bedtime rotation called Teeth Are Not For Biting ;)

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Oh dear! We had Teeth Are Not For Biting during Charlie's biting phase :-( in fact I probably have it memorized still... ;-)