Wednesday, June 24, 2015

First Week of Summer Camp

The kids are halfway through their first week of summer camp, and I am recovering from cataract surgery. The surgery was not fun in the least, kind of like having a root canal on your eye. My eye has been hurting / itching / super light sensitive / watery but today so far today seems reasonably improved over yesterday and Monday. Fingers crossed.

Ben, for all his complaining about how he didn't want to do teen camp at the JCC (even though I only signed him up for 3 weeks), seems to be having a great time. They have lots of cool trips planned -- going to the whitewater center tomorrow for example and to see a movie next week, as well as doing a color war at a local park, visiting an art studio, and working with a local artist to create some tile mosaic thing that sounds pretty cool even though art is not usually Ben's thing. Basketball and being able to buy himself french fries and gatorade at the cafe are definitely his things, so he is happy that he is allowed to go to the gym to play basketball with his friends by themselves, and supplement the lunch that I pack him ;) Of course, instead of spending his own money at the cafe, he charges my card on file. So every day around lunch time I get an email receipt from the J Cafe!

Rebecca and Caroline are also both enjoying camp. Caroline is old enough now that I can drop her off and pick her up in the camp carpool line, which we did for the first time yesterday morning and she was totally fine! (Unlike Ben who I think kicked and screamed the first time I dropped him off in a carpool line).

More camp updates to come I am sure. Ben's opinion of teen camp may dampen when he realizes that on Fridays they do community service projects :)

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