Friday, August 14, 2015

Fun Friday

Our last day of vacation! We went to Dolphin Cove where Ben and I did the ultimate swim, which included a dorsal pull and toe push by two dolphins. The girls and Joel did the dolphin encounter (although Caroline wouldn't get in the water and so just watched which was okay because she was free anyway). They got to pet / kiss / dance with a dolphin named Nemo :) Pictures will have to wait until I get back home to a computer since they won't let you take any of your own, you have to buy theirs ;) So I have a CD of pictures. 

After that we had lunch and then headed to the Cayman Turtle Farm which was nearby and admission was included with the price of the dolphin swim. The kids enjoyed handling the turtles although out of an abundance of caution we did not let Caroline touch them (sea turtles can carry bacteria). 

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