Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mid Week Update

There is a little too much going on this week, and not all of it good! The not good-- water started leaking from behind the refrigerator and I finally got a repair guy over here this morning after noticing the water and doing my best to contain it with towels since Monday night. Some valve or other is broken, so he shut off the water to the refrigerator which he claims will stop the leak (so far so good) while a replacement part is ordered. Since we will be on vacation next week the repair will have to wait until we get back. The floor under the fridge and next to/ in front of it seems to have suffered some water damage so we may need to get an insurance adjuster out to have a look at that and see if we can get it repaired.

Besides that, we're trying to coordinate the sale of our rental house to Abby (closing scheduled for August 25th), making travel arrangements for the boys' NYC adventure at the end of September for Joel's dad's 75th birthday celebration-- using AirB&B for the first time --  and getting ready for our Cayman Islands trip which includes a lot of laundry (packing yet to come), and the purchase of $200 worth of snorkeling equipment, which should be arriving tomorrow.

Caroline is enjoying her first week back at preschool, Ben is enjoying a final week of Teen Camp (Sky Zone, chocolate making, fencing, and community service at Crisis Assistance Ministry), and Becca is enjoying her next to last week at Camp Mindy (I signed her up for Finale week when we get back from vacation). Hard to believe there are just a few short weeks left before Ben and Rebecca go back to school!

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