Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mid-Week Update: Cayman Edition

Vacation is going by too fast! Grand Cayman is beautiful. We are staying at a villa in one of the more remote portions of the island, which has its benefits and drawbacks. We have great snorkeling right out our back door -- I saw a stingray and a barracuda this morning in addition to the usual oodles of tropical fish I don't know the names of ;) 

Tomorrow we are supposed to head back down to the 7 Mile Beach area (where 90% of the tourists are) to swim with dolphins and visit the sea turtle farm. Unfortunately a game of Itsy Bitsy Spider went horribly wrong in the car on the way to dinner tonight -- down came the rain and when the spider got washed out Ben got a bad poke in the eye. He must have a corneal abrasion because he has been in horrible pain pretty constantly since then. Joel just left with him to try to find the hospital which is of course an hour away from here. Hoping he will be able to get some numbing medicine or something for it! Poor kiddo. 

Here are some random pictures from today. We ate dinner at a place called Tukka which is Australian and had crocodile and kangaroo on the menu. (None of us were brave enough. I had filet mignon). 

And the poker of eyes herself:

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Your vacation sounds perfect except for the poke in the eye. Hope Ben is ok!