Monday, January 30, 2017

Brought to you by the Letter S

Caroline's homework this week was to write down words that start with the letter S. Lately when it's time to work on her homework she just keeps coming up with words and eventually you just have to wrestle her homework book away from her. It didn't help last night that Ben was sitting next to her working on his own homework, and purposely working "S" words into the conversation so that she would continue to name more "S" words. After a while she had come up with probably a dozen, including "stab" thanks to Ben's "Oww, I stabbed myself with my pencil!" and "spank" (totally on her own). I kept trying to tell her, "Ok, we're done, good job!" But she kept wanting to add one more and one more. And then she smiled and announced her final S-word, "Shit!" To which Joel and Ben and I just died laughing while Caroline looked pretty pleased with herself. From the other room, where Becca could hear the laughing but not the exact cause, she yelled, "What word did she say? Sex?" And Caroline's eyes lit up again but I wrestled her homework book from her before she could grab the pencil again.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

That's my girls! LOL