Wednesday, January 25, 2017


The girls had their annual well exams this week. Caroline measured 45.25 inches and 45.4 pounds, which is 90th percentile for height and 78th percentile for weight. Becca was 52.25 inches and 62.7 pounds which is 39th percentile for height and 38th percentile for weight. Usually she is around 50th percentile for both, so it's a definite slow down in her growth although she did gain around 5 pounds since last year. Becca was not happy to hear that she had only gained around an inch and a quarter in height instead of the expected two inches, but the doctor said we will check her growth again in a couple of months when she comes back for her ADHD check in the spring. Otherwise they both had good checkups but the doctor had to clean a large amount of wax out of one of Caroline's ears after she didn't do so hot on the hearing screening for that ear. She ought to be hearing a lot better now! :)

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