Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Busy Week

It has been a busy week so far, with the girls' checkups and Ben had a doctor visit as well so I had two days in a row at the doctor's office. Ben also had his first tutoring session for his bar mitzvah - tutoring will be every Tuesday night for the rest of the school year. Afterwards he said it was fun because one of the other kids there is a friend of his and is also coming on the Israel trip. He does have homework to do,which is to memorize a particular prayer. He was supposed to have memorized it before the first session but that didn't exactly happen. I will have to make sure he gets it done for next week!

In other news I registered Caroline for kindergarten yesterday - hard to believe my baby will be starting kindergarten in the fall! We've got her reading at an end-of-first-grade level, in my estimation, already. For homework this week her assignment was to write at least 2 words that begin with the letter "G". Well, she came up with 9 words including "genius". Maybe that was a lucky guess but I prefer to think otherwise!

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