Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The other day, as Ben suffered from boredom, we had the following conversation:

BEN: I want to do something special. What can I do that is special?
ME: I don't know...
BEN: God gave you a brain in your head - why don't you use it?

I would like to point out that I have NEVER said anything remotely like this to Ben. Upon questioning, he informed me that one of his teachers says this sometimes in response to "I don't know" answers. Who knew preschool teachers could be so harsh?


Mary said...

That is harsh! Doesn't she have a better response??

Andrew said...

It sounds like something that i should use with my 10th graders..I'm not sure about pre-school..I guess there is a silver lining..At least he's paying attention to what she says...

Carolyn said...

How mean! And somewhat religious.