Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lizards and Halloween Parties

This morning we were getting ready to go to a Halloween party at a neighbor's house when Ben said, "Mom, come look - there's a lizard in the kitchen!" He said this rather nonchalantly, so I assumed he was teasing me or referring to a toy lizard. So I ignored him at first. He persisted, so finally I glanced into the kitchen - and sure enough, there was a lizard in the kitchen. So I chased this lizard all over the kitchen and finally trapped it with a paper plate and cup, and put it outside. And then we went to the Halloween party.

Rebecca was cranky (tired and hungry) and Ben was poorly behaved, wanting only to play with Carson's power rangers instead of participating in the games and activities. We left a little bit early, after both kids melted down at once and it became a little too much for me to manage (Joel was at home sleeping off the Denver fiasco - we could not disable his car alarm so his car is still at the airport). I got a couple more pics of the kids in their costumes, though, so all was not completely in vain (I did not however have the presence of mind to take a picture of the lizard in the kitchen - sorry).


Carolyn said...

Becca's costume is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

She is the cutest butterfly I ever saw! (did I spell that right?)