Friday, June 19, 2009

Celebrating Five Years...

...Of getting woken up bright and early every morning. Happy birthday Ben!

I put his presents out in the living room last night before I went to bed, and at 6:45 this morning he was parading each one into our bedroom to open in front of us. The basketball hoop has not been put together yet -- I am hoping Joel will be able to do it tomorrow morning (before the temperature hits the forecasted 99 degrees!) Ben still has not noticed the box in the garage. Not the most observant kid.

We're doing a birthday dinner and birthday cake on Sunday so that Joel's parents can celebrate with us, since they're away today and tomorrow. Today Ben brought cupcakes to school to share with his class -- in addition to being his birthday, today is Ben's VERY LAST DAY at CJP! I might cry. Summer camp starts Monday, and after that, Kindergarten.

To continue the birthday festivities tonight, Joel is going to bring home Chinese food and a birthday treat for dinner. Then I am letting Ben stay up as late as he wants to watch movies and eat popcorn. One of his presents was a DVD set of all 3 Jurassic Park movies. Ben has seen the original Jurassic Park several times on television, and loves it -- it doesn't even scare him, strangely enough. I doubt he'll get through all three movies -- or even two -- tonight, but I figured that in honor of his birthday I'd give him the option. For a kid with a VERY strict bedtime, he is totally thrilled at the idea of being able to stay up as late as he wants. I'll let you know how it goes - I may very well regret it!


bcarlson said...
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Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday Ben! (That deleted comment was me - I was logged in as my mom!)

Mary said...

Happy Birthday Ben!!!