Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Kid-Free Afternoon

Joel's parents took the kids out for the afternoon/evening and Joel and I did some shopping followed by dinner and a movie. ((Shopping + dinner + movie) - kids = a great time!!)

First we went to Dick's Sporting Goods and got a basketball hoop for the driveway, for Ben's "big" birthday present. The rim is easily adjustible from anywhere between 7.5 and 10 feet so (along with a youth size/weight basketball we got him) he ought to be able to get some use out of it right away, and hopefully for many years. It's in a box in the garage right now and I have no idea how Joel's going to manage to assemble it or how Ben's not going to see the (very large) box before his birthday next Friday.

Next we went to Wolf Camera (by happy coincidence right across the parking lot from the sporting goods store) and I got a new camera -- a Canon PowerShot SD780 IS. (I got the black one).The battery is charging right now so I haven't gotten to play with it yet. It is amazingly small! Ben has a pool party to go to tomorrow so I'll take it for a test run then.

After we finished with the shopping we went downtown to a restaurant called Zink for dinner. (Can't find a web site link at the moment, sorry). We were going to see Star Trek at the IMax theater afterwards but after about five minutes we decided regular movies suck in IMax. (Besides which we'd both already seen it anyway). So we left the IMax theater and went to a regular movie theater and used two free movie tickets we had to see The Hangover, which we both thoroughly enjoyed.

That's about it for my Saturday. Hopefully I'll post some pics from the new camera tomorrow.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Sounds similar to our night last night! Same movie, Korean food, and $10 spent at Target. Same concept, just a little less money spent. Wasn't it wonderful?!!