Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So I Won't Get Called a Slacker

There's not much going on but I'll blog anyway because if I don't, Kathleen will call me a slacker! (Yes, I saw your comment the other day Kathleen... Where's YOUR blog, huh?)

Anyway, the rest of our weekend was pretty quiet. Joel had to work all weekend, but his parents took Becca for most of the day Saturday so Ben and I got to see a movie -- Ice Age 3 -- and made a blueberry peach cobbler. After Joel and Becca returned home we took said cobbler across the street to a 4th of July barbecue that our neighbors were kind enough to host (along with their 1 year old triplets! If that were me, I'd have a ready excuse not to ever host a party, for at least the first four years. It'd go something like "Me? Host the barbecue? I have triplets!")

Not to excuse the lack of blogging, but work has been really busy so far this week. I think everyone returned to work on Monday and decided to pile on me every project that they procrastinated over starting last week because it was a holiday. One of the bad things about working from home is not being able to get away from the work! I worked until 11:30 last night, and all day today, and since my "office" is in my bedroom, I have spent probably 90% of the last 36 hours in one room. I made an exaggerated point of watching television in the livingroom tonight instead of the bedroom, just to get away for a while... even if it was only 30 feet away ;)

Finally, all of us here at Bringing Up Ben and Becca would like to wish the folks over there at Lessons from Charlie, most notably Abby, a speedy swine-flu recovery... we hope that you're on the mend and that we will hear no more stories of bodily fluids, trips to the ER, and fainting in nail salons.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

thank you for the blog!!!!!