Thursday, October 15, 2009

All's Quiet on the Western Front

Okay, Southern front.

Rebecca, Joel and I do not have the flu yet. Now that I have written that sentence, I am quite positive that within the next five minutes one of us will get sick. But shouldn't we be almost out of the woods, since Ben's last fever was a week ago today? One would think... No... mustn't think... thinking will just jinx it some more.

Joel's parents and I attended the Richard Dawkins lecture at Queens University last night. It was quite entertaining. Since it is his book tour, he mostly read some passages from his latest book (The Greatest Show on Earth) and took questions from the audience. We did not hang around for the book signing, though we did buy his book, because the book signing line was so long. It was really quite a treat for me to attend, since I have been a fan of Dawkins since high school, when I read The Blind Watchmaker.

Of course, no lecture by an atheist/ evolutionary biologist would be complete without at least one Creationist outside the lecture hall handing out leaflets. Now, I didn't read the leaflet from beginning to end but some of the highlights suggested that believing in evolution will make teenagers commit suicide and encourage them to have homosexual thoughts.

It really doesn't deserve comment, so I won't...

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

MAN! That sounds like a REALLY exciting evening!!!