Saturday, January 23, 2010

All Dressed Up

As promised, here are Joel and I all dressed up to go to the Make A Wish Foundation's annual Wish Ball. (Of course, the kids had to get in the picture too).

Joel is the newest Board Member of the North Carolina chapter of the Make A Wish Foundation, and since I am a dork, I took a picture of his name in the program:


Kathleen said...

Thanks for the picture! You look great! Love the hair...the dress...everything. Joel doesn't look to shabby either! :)

Abigail said...

Great dress but I want to see the shoes too! Did you wear my coat? ;)

Amanda said...

yes, i wore your coat. sorry, shoes did not make it into the pic ;)

Grandma said...

I asked Dad, 'Do you recognize these people?' He said, 'Well, I recognize Ben and Becca.' :) YOU GUYS LOOK SO AWESOME!!!

Carolyn said...

You guys clean up REAL nice! Love the ensemble - great dress, great hair, but I'm w/ Abby - can't see an ensemble w/o seeing the shoes. :-)