Saturday, January 2, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For

For the last five and a half years I have been waiting for the day that Ben could occupy himself for a while without needing my constant attention. Well, that day has come to pass, and Joel and I are not quite sure what to do about it. Since I bought him a used copy of Lego Star Wars 2 for his Game Cube a week or so ago (was it only a week ago?) he has been playing it every spare moment of every day. It can easily go from 1 to 2 players, so sometimes he and Joel will play together, but he's also perfectly happy playing it by himself for HOURS.

Yesterday while he played and Becca napped, I got to watch like two hours of non-animated television, without interruption. It was truly miraculous. On the other hand, it was about 3 p.m. before I managed to coax Ben out of his pajamas, and that was only because we had company coming over and were going out to dinner.

Rebecca spent most of her waking moments yesterday either watching Ben play his star wars game or watching an endless loop of Backyardigans episodes on DVD. When the cycle began to repeat itself this morning, Joel and I decided we needed to get the kids out of the house so we wasted a couple of hours at Lowes looking at carpet and kitchen appliances. As soon as we returned home the kids resumed their usual positions on their respective couches in front of their respective television sets.

We tried, right? I don't want to force Ben to do something else just for the sake of doing something else... it is, after all, the next-to-last day of his winter vacation, so part of me thinks I should not feel guilty about it and just let him do what he wants to, since we haven't got any plans anyway and it's FREEZING out today! And he did spend his two weeks of winter vacation doing a lot of active and educational stuff at camp, such as several museum field trips, bowling, Monkey Joe's, swimming every day, tae kwon do lessons... I am going to keep justifying his video-game-playing quietly to myself now while I go see what's on the Food Network....


Grandma said...

The 'something else' is called a piano. You buy one and give the kids lessons. You have at least one musical child. Nuff said

Carolyn said...

You waited 5 1/2 years for it, I say enjoy it without guilt for a couple more days!

Amanda said...

ma you wanna buy me a piano, be my guest ;)

Kathleen said...

You watched the Food Network? :)