Saturday, January 16, 2010

Easier Said Than Done

While I was in Boston this past week Joel mentioned that his parents wanted to take Rebecca for a hair cut. "Sure," I said, neglecting to mention that there is a REASON why Rebecca was desperately in need of a hair cut... namely that she screams and thrashes when approached with scissors, and the only way you can actually manage to get the job done is to sit with her in your lap and attempt to hold her still and keep an eye from being poked out. So anyway I forgot to mention that small detail, and the hair cut was not successfully accomplished. So this morning I took her for her hair cut myself, and held her down while she screamed and thrashed and managed to get her bangs trimmed and the ends of her hair trimmed a little. Afterward she was very happy to tell everyone and anyone that she got a hair cut and you never would have known from looking at her happy, beaming smile HOW GODDAMN DIFFICULT IT WAS.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Your father and I just see our angelic Granddaughter :)