Monday, July 19, 2010

Fire, Ice, and a 9 Hour Playdate

Saturday night we took the kids out to a hibachi restaurant. Now, I did remember from our last hibachi experience that hibachi restaurants are not Rebecca's favorite thing. Last time, she was scared, but was okay -- didn't try to run out the door screaming or anything. But age seems to have increased, not decreased, her fear of flame. So as soon as we walked in and sat down and she saw the fire flare up at one of the other tables, she clapped her hands to her face a-la MacCauley Culkin in Home Alone and gasped loudly. Then she burst into tears, yelled "We have to get out of here!" and tried to run out of the room. Somebody's teaching that girl good fire safety, anyway. Joel ended up spending the whole time that our food was being prepared sitting at the bar with Rebecca. Once the "fire man" (as she called him) had left our table, she was okay to come back and sit down, but was still nervous and only picked at her food. Cross hibachi off the family-restaurant-night list for a while.

After the hibachi near-disaster we took the kids to the new TCBY that opened up this summer. For some reason, all the frozen yogurt places discovered Charlotte at once, and there's now 2 Yoforia franchises and a TCBY that opened earlier this summer, and a Pinkberry franchise is opening later this week. Anyway, this particular TCBY (probably copying off the others) is the first self-serve TCBY in the franchise's history. I learned that when you give a 6 year old a cup in a self-serve frozen yogurt shop and tell him to, well, serve himself, he comes back with blackberry and pistachio swirl topped with M&Ms, gummy bears, Oreo pieces, sprinkles, caramel sauce, and marshmallow topping.

The 9 hour playdate.
Yesterday morning I was woken up at 8am (yes we were all still asleep at that hour minus Joel who was at work) by the dad of one of Rebecca's classmates, asking if I could come pick up Mira, since her mom went into labor with baby #2 a couple weeks ahead of schedule. They live in our neighborhood, about two minutes from us, and Becca and Mira have known each other since they were babies. They actually both attended the same day care when they were infants, and now the same preschool. So I brought Mira over to our house, and she made herself right at home. Her baby sister was born mid-afternoon (though Mira seemed underwhelmed by that news), and her grandmother eventually arrived from out of state and picked her up. After getting to spend all day with Mira -- including going out to lunch together and taking a nap together -- Becca was very disappointed to see her go! Congrats Mira on your new baby sister!

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