Wednesday, July 7, 2010

He Just Keeps on Growing

Ben had his 6 year old well exam this afternoon. On the way there he reminded me that last year he got 5 shots (he remembered the exact number!) and that this year, he wasn't supposed to need any. Fortunately, he was correct. The only torture we had to endure was waiting half an hour in the exam room because the doctor was running behind schedule. For some reason Ben refused to play his DS (which I had brought along SPECIFICALLY for such an event) and instead occupied himself by contorting himself into a pretzel on the exam table, whining, and trying to climb the walls (literally). When our doctor finally came in, Ben was absolutely delighted to see her.

Ben continues his tall-and-skinny trend, measuring at 50 pounds and 50 1/4 inches tall. (I think their scale is heavy though - I think he's not more than 48 pounds, personally... he was kind of jiggling on the scale.). That puts him at 75th percentile for weight and off the charts for height, exactly where he's been at for the last at-least-three-years. I did finally get her to concede, after 3 years, that he could use a little more meat on his bones, and that if I wanted to give him a carb-heavy bedtime snack to try to add 5 pounds, it was fine with her. So starting tomorrow I'm going to make him a milkshake by combining vanillia ice cream and pediasure. Will see if that adds any weight to my skinny man.

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