Monday, July 26, 2010

Way Too Hot!

That was the overriding theme of the weekend - way too hot. It was 98 degrees both Saturday and Sunday and it has been very humid lately so with the heat index, it's been feeling like 105 or something awful. Not sure if it's the combination of the heat and humidity, but neither of our central air units (upstairs and downstairs) seemed to be working very efficiently this weekend. The upstairs one is as old as the house (13 years) so expecting to have problems with that one from time to time, but the downstairs one we replaced when we moved in, and this was the first time it started acting up.Anyway, our usual chilly indoor haven wasn't all that chilly this weekend.

Saturday afternoon while Rebecca napped I took Ben to the pool, and the pool water was like, I don't know, 90 degrees at least... it felt like entering a warm bath. Totally un-refreshing. We only stayed about an hour. There weren't all that many people there either -- guess it was too hot even for swimming!

Later in the afternoon Joel's parents came over to babysit and Joel and I had dinner at Brio, dessert at Pinkberry, and then saw the movie Inception. Pinkberry and a movie was a good way to beat the heat, at least! But yesterday was just as hot, the air conditioners were just as tired, and Rebecca was complaining of not feeling well so aside from grocery shopping we spent most of the day holed up at home trying to stay cool.

Looking forward to some (for the most part) cooler weather this week -- I only see one high temp past 94 in the ten day forecast ;)

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