Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

Yep, today's my birthday. Thanks to everyone who posted happy birthday messages on facebook. When I went into Rebecca's room this morning, she sat up in her crib and started singing Happy Birthday to me! It was so cute that she remembered. That girl loves to sing Happy Birthday! Ben didn't remember until I was walking him into camp, but that's okay.

Some highlights of my special day --

1. Unclogging a drain
2. Sewing an ear back onto a favorite stuffed animal (yes, it was the first time I'd sewed anything since 7th grade and yes, it showed, but Ben was happy).
3. Having a repairman out to look at our A/C (and it was also our cleaning service day so I had two girls in here cleaning and a guy outside messing with the A/C while I was supposed to be on a conference call)
4. Arriving to pick up Ben after camp to discover that he had just spiked a fever and was feeling miserable
5. Pizza and birthday cake! Joel's parents came over and we had a yummy dinner. I got cards, cash, and
6. A DVR!! Joel is finally letting me revolutionize my TV viewing ;) It's not getting installed until Monday though. How Joel managed to avoid paying the $200 charge for it is another story! (And very Joel-like). Since he felt bad after talking the DirecTV rep out of making him pay for it, he did sign up for the extra charge to make it so we can watch our DVR'd shows from any TV in the house, though.

All in all, a great birthday! Ben's going to be home sick tomorrow unfortunately, though after falling asleep on my bed for two hours he did rally for some pizza and cake. On Saturday night we're swapping babysitting with some friends -- they are watching Ben and Becca and then another time we will watch their two kids -- and Joel and I are going to PF Chang's for dinner and Pinkberry for dessert. YUM!

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