Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy to be Home

I had a great couple of days in Florida -- the weather was beautiful, I got to lie on the beach and read my Kindle (an ambition of mine since acquiring the Kindle a couple of months ago), I got to go fishing on Tampa Bay, and I got to eat a LOT of fish and drink a lot of beer (for me).

I returned home Sunday night to find the house shockingly in order (dishes done, laundry started, kids smelling like shampoo, toys picked up). Joel and the kids seem to have had a great weekend while I was away; Ben excitedly told me about all their playdates and dinners out and his basketball game where he scored a basket, and how on Friday night Joel let them play outside until 7pm AND THEN took them to Chik-Fil-A for dinner -- wow, what lucky kids ;)

Yesterday was a good day for me to ease back into the swing of things -- I had off for Presidents Day, but the kids both had snow makeup days so they went to school. I spent the day doing errands and laundry, finished reading one of the books I started to read over the weekend (Water for Elephants), and enjoyed the sunny and 70+ degree (although windy) weather.

Today it's back to work for me! Boo hoo....

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

You forgot about the sunburn part! :)