Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Puppy Update

We're starting to adjust to life with our newest family member (and vice versa). Things seem to be heading in the right direction as far as crate training/ house training, after a few missteps... we now know to scoop her up out of her crate and carry her straight outside to potty, because if her feet hit the floor in front of her crate for even a second, she'll try to pee. We also moved her crate into the kitchen.We had been told to put it in our bedroom until she is sleeping through the night, but that was not working out too well, besides which the kitchen is right down the hall from our bedroom anyway, so I can still hear her when she wakes up to pee at night. Last night was a good night, she woke up once to pee at 2:30 am, and only whined for about 5 minutes or so after I put her back in the crate. She had her first vet appointment yesterday evening, and was given a clean bill of health. I am trying to work out a decent schedule for her in terms of crate time (so I can get my work done) and play time, but have not quite got it all worked out yet. My main goal is to get her potty trained and to get us all on a good schedule before the baby arrives (so it can get all screwed up again of course!) My other main goal is to get her to stop nipping at the kids. She has learned pretty quickly not to nip at Joel and I/chew on our pant legs etc, but she seems to think the kids are her litter mates and treats them like puppies she can climb all over and wrestle with/nip. I am going to have to make sure to supervise their play time together and be the "disciplinarian" when it comes to that, so puppy learns who's boss!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

OMG look at her! She looks like she's in a ad for that rug or something - a puppy model. Good luck being the BOSS over something that cute. ;-)