Sunday, October 23, 2011

Welcome Home Clara!

We brought Clara home this morning. After a few minutes of whimpering on my lap in the car, we wised up and put her on the seat between Ben and I, and she fell right asleep and slept all the way home. We took her into the backyard when we got home, where she peed a few times, and played with the kids (though Rebecca hasn't realized that running = chase game in puppy's mind, and she was not particularly appreciative of getting chased). She entirely ignored Ulysses thus far, who has been watching her warily but has not shown any outward sign of hostility yet.

After playing with her outside for a while, we brought her in and fed her lunch, then took her back outside where she pooped under the porch (I didn't even feel it necessary to clean it up in that location) and then brought her in and put her in her crate, where she's been snoring soundly ever since. The kids of course are impatiently waiting for her to wake up so they can play again, but are under strict orders not to disturb her while she is in her crate.

My camera battery died, hence only the one picture so far. Need to charge the battery so I can get more pictures after she wakes up!

1 comment:

Mary said...

you might not appreciate the smell when they start to accumulate under your porch. :) However, if it is easily accessible you might want to train her to go there so you aren't looking all over the yard for clean up.