Friday, March 16, 2012

Last Week of Maternity Leave

I've been trying to keep busy and keep my mind off the fact that I go back to work on Monday!!! I have been doing errands, enjoying the nice weather, and trying not to think about going back to work.

In house-news, we looked at a few houses this week and found one that we like in our same neighborhood but unfortunately it a) is priced about 30,000 dollars over where any sane person ought to have priced it, and b) it just came on the market a few days ago so I am guessing it will take the owners a while to realize how overpriced it is. Unfortunately there is not much on the market in our neighborhood right now of the size we are looking for. In fact counting the aforementioned property, there are only 2 active listings and the other one belongs to our neighbor 3 doors down and he has his way overpriced as well (again by at least 30,000 dollars). Coincidentally two other houses of similar size both went under contract in the last day or two, that were a lot more reasonably priced. (We had looked at those already and ruled them out for various reasons).

Our own house has been getting showings rather infrequently, at the rate of about one every week and a half (last one was yesterday). We're going to drop the price a little and see if that helps, but still planning to go ahead with renting it if we can't find a buyer.

As you can see I am trying to occupy my thoughts with house-hunting and not with you-know-what ;)

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Hey-be patient with your house- June is prime time for relocations. I wouldn't lower price just yet...