Thursday, March 1, 2012


Joel went back to work today - he is still anemic and tired, so am waiting to see if he makes it through the whole day or not!

Here we are, March 1, a beautiful sunny day, currently 75 degrees and going up to 78!! WOW! I am wearing shorts and flip flops. Looks like spring is on the way. Except for the long range forecast has us back into the 50s on Sunday and Monday. Oh well.

Speaking of March, I am scheduled to go back to work March 19. Caroline was officially moved off the waiting list and placed into the infant room at Lambs of Grace. I took over the first 2 weeks payment this morning, and the infant room teachers are supposed to call to schedule a home visit - apparently they visit the homes of all the families to get to know them better. So that's neat - I never heard of a day care doing that before.

The kids are doing well; Rebecca is her usual difficult, stubborn, exuberant, charming self ;) And Ben is earning praise from his teacher for his math skills (something his mother is entirely unable to relate to ;) He was the fastest in the class at math drills last week, and would have gotten a 100 on his last math test, which was on addition and subtraction using regrouping (you know like carry the one and all that) except that he accidentally subtracted a couple of problems that were supposed to be addition, because HE DOES NOT PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT HE IS DOING! (sigh).

On the house selling front.... there is nothing new on the house selling front. We had 2 showings the first weekend the house was listed, 2 showings the following weekend, and nothing since then. We were supposed to have an open house this past weekend, but canceled it due to you know, like, Joel almost bleeding to death. We have rescheduled it for this coming weekend. Also this weekend Ben starts flag football.

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