Wednesday, June 6, 2012

PT Follow-up

Caroline had her first appointment with the therapist since obtaining her stylish pink helmet 2 1/2 weeks ago. (With all the extended family members visiting last week for the funeral, I had this conversation about a thousand times: THEM: "Oh she's so adorable! What is the helmet for?" ME: "It's because she's symmetrically challenged." THEM: [blank stare] . ME: "Her head is not quite round in the back. It's to reshape her head." THEM: "Oh! I thought it was a fashion statement." ME: "No, my fashion sense is not that bad.")

ANYWAY... :) Caroline is showing dramatic improvements in her symmetry, now being only 4 millimeters off between the sides of her head, instead of 10 millimeters like she was before the helmet. Way to go Caroline! A couple more weeks and I am sure the helmet will be a thing of the past! You know, taken out only at your bat mitzvah and in front of all your boyfriends...


Abigail said...

Ahem, I resent the title of this post! Isn't it an OT she is seeing? ;) Our profession gets mixed up with PT quite enough without my own sister doing it!

Amanda said...

it is because I am lazy, and more people know what a PT is than an OT ;) But yes, it's an OT ;)