Monday, June 11, 2012

Vacation Pictures, Round One

We arrived in Hilton Head late Saturday afternoon, after a four and a half hour car trip full of "are we there yet?" and "I have to go to the bathroom!" Since arriving we've been enjoying the beach, though as you'll see from the pictures a tropical storm a week or so ago dumped a bunch of crap up onto the beach which hasn't been cleaned up yet. It does not seem to bother the kids. Ben seems to have gotten over his usual worries about sharks, etc and had fun boogie boarding with Joel, and Rebecca had fun splashing in the shallow water and digging holes in the sand. The baby had fun napping in her car seat and sitting on a beach blanket playing with toys. She has not gone into the water yet. As for me, I am sunburned and covered in mosquito bites already, and it's only Monday ;)

Here is a first round of pictures, including Caroline splashing in the tub after dinner (actually her first bath where she sat unassisted instead of in the bath seat, which I guess means she has officially outgrown it).

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Awesome photos. Especially the beaming baby pics! Thanks for the fix:)