Friday, October 26, 2012

We Should Rename this Blog "The Diarrhea Chronicles"

So to recap my week:

Sunday: vomiting/diarrhea (Caroline)
Monday: Diarrhea (Caroline)
Tuesday V/D (Joel), D (Caroline), Nausea (me)
Wednesday: D (Caroline), N/D (me and Ben)

Arrive at Thursday. At some point during the night Ben gets up and comes to tell me his stomach hurts. I told him to go back to bed. Shortly after this the dog starts whining, which I attribute to having heard Ben get up (though in hindsight she never whines during the night any more...) So I ignore her except to yell at her a couple of times without actually going into the laundry room where her crate is.

In the morning, with Ben still sick, and the baby still sick, I got up and went into the laundry room to let her out of her crate and discovered she was covered in diarrhea, and not only was she covered, and her crate covered, but the floor and even the walls next to her crate.

Absolute horror does not begin to describe my reaction to this sight! It took two hours to clean dog, floors, walls, crate, bedding, etc. There may still be some doggy diarrhea in the baseboard crevices. Apparently, dogs can get rotavirus, which we assume is the bug circulating in our house. As I scrubbed her down in the bathtub, I yelled at the poor dog -- "This is what you get for trying to lick Caroline's butt!!!!" I really felt quite bad for her though. Who wants to sit in their own poop all night long? Poor doggy. She was obviously not feeling well, refusing to eat for most of the morning yesterday.

Blessedly, that was (I am assuming!) the low point of my week. Since then I am happy to report that dog, boy and baby seem much improved. Today everyone is back at school / day care, though I am slightly concerned about Caroline who is as yet not diarrhea free, though since she only had 2 episodes yesterday I am hoping she can make it through the day today! Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Sounds like a really sh*tty week, haha I crack myself up...