Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 Month Check-Up

Caroline was actually diagnosed with an ear infection at her well exam today, so I guess she was not that well after all ;) Oddly, she has slept soundly for the last couple of nights and it was only this past Saturday night where she had some nighttime issues and had me suspecting an ear infection. But she slept great since then so I had forgotten about the possibility.So now she's got a prescription for omnicef, since she had an ear infection last month also. Unfortunately I am afraid omnicef is going to mean more diarrhea, just when I thought we were done with that... *sigh*

Anyway, Caroline is 32 inches tall and weighs 25 lbs 8 oz. I actually made the doctor redo her height check, after the nurse measured her at only 30 inches and I realized that she was 30 inches at her 9 month check up and she must have grown since then. Measuring a wiggly baby is tricky, but 2 inches off? Come on now ;)  So our > 97th percentile trend continues! If I recall correctly, Ben was 33 inches and 26 pounds at his 12 month visit, and Rebecca I know from checking the blog archives was just under 22 pounds and 30 inches. If Caroline continues to follow Ben's growth trend, the weight gain is going to fall off sharply soon and a tall skinny girl will emerge.

As far as milestones go, she is saying "mama", "dada" and "uh-oh", waving bye bye and shaking her head no, but not really saying bye bye or no or hi yet though I have heard utterances in the last couple days that did sound very like bye and hi, but not consistently enough for me to "count" them. We're using up her last can of formula this week by mixing it with whole milk in her bottles, which she is fine with, though a cold sippy cup of milk takes some getting used to, and she has not gotten used to that yet ;) She has made great progress in eating table foods lately, and will now eat chicken, toast, mac n cheese, goldfish crackers, dry cereal, etc. She still doesn't seem to consider cut up fruit or veggies to be food items, but she will feed herself those fruit/veggie puree pouches that I blogged about previously so she's getting most of her fruits and veggies that way at the moment.

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