Monday, December 31, 2012

Might've Been Good to Know...

I stopped giving Rebecca the Ditropan she's been on for her urinary incontinence issues after noticing an alarming side effect that nobody bothered to mention to me when prescribing the medication. I'd noticed a few times - and her teachers at school had noticed also and mentioned it - that when she gets overheated lately, she's been turning pink all over, feeling very very hot like she has a fever, and not sweating. After seeing this happen again the other night when she was horsing around in the living room with Ben, I made Joel look up the side effects of Ditropan online and sure enough, one of the side effects is a decrease in perspiration which can lead to an increased risk of heat stroke. My poor baby was getting hot, but instead of sweating she was baking like a cookie :( No more Ditropan for us. Of course when she was first put on the medicine, the only side effect mentioned to me was dry mouth. Nice.

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