Monday, December 10, 2012

Hanukkah & Flu Update

Ben went back to school today. Unfortunately Caroline developed a fever yesterday morning, and has been running a temp of 100 - 101 since then. We started her on Tamiflu and are hoping her course of the flu (if that's what she has) will be mild. The dream of having all 3 kids at school/day care will have to wait for another day....

Yesterday Papa came over with Hanukkah gifts for the kids, including a $50 Target gift card for Ben and pink sparkly clothes for Rebecca! I agreed to take Ben to Target to spend his card, and somehow Rebecca ended up along for the ride and picked out a dress-up costume, lipstick and a mini pillow pet. Ben came home with a new Skylanders figure for his video game and 3 pillow pets, one full sized and two mini. By the time he decided what he wanted I would have been perfectly happy if he buried himself in pillow pets, so long as he was happy and we could get out of Target Toy Aisle Hell ;) That boy takes forever to make a decision, and I had to tell him "no" to a Wii hunting game (complete with rifle) and Call of Duty 3. Amazing how he can ask for blood and gore one minute, and then turn around and be perfectly happy with stuffed animals.

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