Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Flu

I've officially decided that Ben has the flu. His fever went up to 103 today, and he has been watching what appears to be an endless loop of Sunday night's Eagles-Cowboys game all day long. Unfortunately he is doing this in my room, curled up on my side of the bed wrapped in my blankets with his head on my pillow. And, I have not gotten a flu shot this year. Joel just got his flu shot on Friday, and it takes 2 weeks to take effect, so he's essentially unprotected from the flu as well. Caroline got one dose of what was supposed to be a 2 part vaccine, and I forgot to take her back for the second part. (I am taking her in for it tomorrow). Rebecca's the only one of us with a fully-functioning flu vaccine. Wish us luck ;)

In other news, Caroline is home today, after having been kicked out of day care yesterday. She seems to be fine. I am very definitely not feeding her yogurt again (I fed her yogurt Sunday night and Monday morning, apparently having forgotten my previous suspicions that yogurt was to blame for her diarrhea problems). Hopefully she will go back to day care tomorrow, leaving me with only ONE kiddo to deal with. It's shaping up to be quite a week ;)

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Ben didn't get a flu shot? Hope he feels better soon!!