Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekend Update

As seen in the previous post, Rebecca attended her first (and Ben his second) professional basketball game Friday night. Joel took them to see the Bobcats vs. Sixers, and of course Ben rooted for the Sixers, and of course they won, because the Bobcats stink. Everyone was happy and well behaved.

Grandma and Grandpa arrived for a weekend visit also Friday night, and they brought presents, and bought more presents, and generally spoiled the kids rotten. They also took Ben and Becca to see Rise of the Guardians on Saturday so Joel and I could finish Hanukkah shopping. Mom got herself an iPhone yesterday, so I gave her an introduction on how to use it, and we took the kids out for an ill-fated Indian food dinner-- Caroline missed her afternoon nap and was cranky and had to be taken out of the restaurant and wheeled around in her stroller. That was actually the first time we ever had to take her out of a restaurant. And Becca fell off her chair, and then ran around outside and fell flat on her face, so she was not happy either. We got home at 8pm and 2 out of the 3 kids were already asleep in the car! Rebecca asked to go straight to bed without dessert after I told her she could have a "rain check" on dessert. After I explained what that meant she said, "Okay but don't tell Ben or he'll freak out."

Ben woke up with a fever and sore throat this morning, and though he rallied with the help of Motrin for a while this morning and was playing video games and being rather pesky, he did not make an appearance during any of a two hour meeting I had for work, and when I went to check on him afterwards I found him pale, feverish, and asking me, "Why am I so tired?" I told him to close his eyes and take a nap, and I think he is. Poor kiddo.

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