Monday, January 14, 2013

The Poop Incident

Last night Joel and I were rather exhausted after a full day of errands, Hebrew school, basketball, etc and were lying on the couch watching football, having told Ben and Rebecca they could get undressed for their baths and start the tub running in our bathroom and one of us would be in shortly... couple minutes after that Ben came tearing into the living room naked and yelling something about Rebecca having gotten poop everywhere...

Now Ben can be prone to exaggeration sometimes, but I struggled off the couch and followed him into my bedroom where he pointed out a large smear of poop on my bed, and then directed my attention to the bathroom, where I found Rebecca sitting in the tub happily playing. There was another large smear of poop on the side of the tub, one on the floor, one on the toilet, and to my horror, the dog was standing in the middle of the bathroom floor with a LOG OF POOP in her mouth. I screamed, she dropped it, and busied herself by trying to lick up the poop smears while I frantically tried to clean up. It was as though a localized poop tornado had hit, removing the contents of the unflushed toilet and smearing them all over the bathroom.

Rebecca was still sitting in the tub, completely ignoring the commotion. "Rebecca! What happened??" I finally managed to ask after shooing the dog and Ben out the door (who was howling with laughter and not helping the situation at all). She paused in her playing and answered not-at-all satisfactorily, "I forgot to wipe."

1 comment:

Abigail said...

I remain unclear about what happened ;) Did Becca forget to flush & Clara picked her poop out of the toilet? Ewww!