Thursday, January 12, 2017

Busy Week

The dusting of snow we got Saturday closed the public schools Monday and Tuesday. I have ceased to be surprised by such things. The school district covers over 500 square miles and has over 150 schools. Way too large in my opinion, and some of the schools in the northern part of the county had more snow and ice than the rest of us. Ben and Rebecca went back to school yesterday.

 Caroline had school Monday and Tuesday, though not without incident - on Monday the JCC received a bomb threat, as did many others around the country. They evacuated the campus including the preschool and did a bomb sweep. Caroline didn't seem bothered by it in the least. She just said it was like a fire drill, but with police instead of fire trucks. It totally boggles my mind what kind of person would wake up and be like, "What should we do today? I know, let's make some bomb threats." I resisted the urge to go pick her up as soon as I heard about it, and went and got her at the usual time but with a piece of candy as a special treat.

Ben had the initial meeting about his Bar Mitzvah, tutoring for which starts on Tuesdays the end of this month. He also has to attend 13 services between now and June, and do a 12 hour community service project, in addition to his regular weekly Hebrew school classes. It's going to be a rough six months but as I tried to explain to him, he will be very proud of himself when it's all over.

The girls started their piano lessons yesterday, and they both seemed to enjoy it and were excited after they each had their lesson to show me what they had learned. They each have a notebook where their teacher writes down what they should practice between lessons. Caroline seemed to be playing a game mostly seeing how fast she could pick out all the C keys on the piano, and things like that. Becca progressed a bit beyond that and has a whole page in her practice notebook to work on.

And that's everything that's been going on this week!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

My head is spinning just reading that. Love to all my Charlotte beauties and my 'growing up too fast' Grandson.