Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Becca's 12 Month Progress Report

Today was Rebecca's 12 month checkup, so a fine time to report on her milestones also.

First the doctor's appointment - she is 21 lbs 15 oz (70th percentile), 30 inches long (75th percentile), and her head circumference is 18 1/2 inches (90th percentile... hmm, another big headed kid...) She got her vaccines and her hemoglobin rechecked. Joel was relieved to hear it is not too low anymore -- apparently having an iron deficient child would make him the laughingstock of his profession.

As for her milestones:

FEEDING: Is eating mostly solid foods although as previously mentioned her favorites are cheerios and crackers. She also loves yogurt, and usually I manage to force feed her something marginally nutritious such as soft fruits, cooked veggies and pasta. After having no teeth for almost her entire first year she's now got three coming in all at once! (Two bottom, one top).

LANGUAGE/EXPRESSION: Fairly unambiguously says "dada", "mama", "hi", "uh oh" and "yay!"

GROSS MOTOR: Crawls very fast, pulls herself to standing, "cruises" a little bit but does not stand unassisted or walk yet.

BEDTIME: Usually sleeps from 7 to 6:30, at which time she gets a bottle and falls back asleep if I am lucky.

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