Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mmmm, Grilled Pickles and Cheese...

I know what some of you are thinking, and no I am not pregnant. (At least I don't think I...)

Last night at the gym I was watching Rachel Ray and she was making soup and sandwiches. The soup does not merit mentioning, but the sandwiches she made were grilled swiss cheese on pumpernickel with dijon mustard and, yes, dill pickle slices right there inside the grilled cheese... I was so intrigued that I had to try it. So I stopped at the store this morning after I dropped the kids off and picked up the necessary ingredients (thanks to our fridge fiasco earlier in the week I needed everything including the mustard and pickles). So for lunch just now I made myself a grilled pickle-and-cheese sandwich, and what do you know? It was pretty good! I don't know if I'll make it again... well, I have a lot of mustard and pickles and swiss cheese to use up now so probably I will!

TV update coming soon -- install is almost done!

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