Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Flu!!!

I had hopes that we would be spared... but of course that was wishful thinking. Ben woke up this morning feverish and nauseous, and by noon it was clear that he was pretty darn sick -- lying listlessly on my bed drifting in and out of sleep. His fever hit a high of 103 despite around-the-clock Motrin, and after conferencing with Joel we decided to check with his pediatrician to see if she wanted him to come in. She did, and gave Ben the rapid flu test, which came back positive. She said if I wanted Tamaflu, she'd write him a prescription despite the CDC's guidelines that it should be saved for people who have other health complications... so I said... GIVE ME TAMAFLU! And she did. Except for the problem that there's like one pharmacy in the city where the liquid Tamaflu is still available... but we found that pharmacy and navigated that hurdle. The pharmacy in question actually does home deliveries, and they were scheduled to deliver the Tamaflu to our door, but due to a delivery mix up (the prescription got left behind), I had to send Joel out for it anyway. But, it was a nice thought anyway... I am not sure how effective Ben's first dose of Tamaflu was however, because not only did he spit half of it out (apparently does not taste anywhere near as delicious as berry flavored Motrin), he also threw up a few minutes after taking it as well. Poor kid.

Anyway, Ben will likely be home sick for the rest of the week. Trying to keep Rebecca, Joel and myself from getting sick is a daunting task... we've not let Rebecca near Ben at all today, and I've been compulsively hand-sanitizing like every five minutes, but I am sure both of us, if not also Joel, will be sick anyway in short order...


Carolyn said...

How dreadful - poor kid. When I saw the title of the post - I was optimistic that there was something positive about it - the !!! translate to enthusiasm for me. Or in this case I guess they convey the magnitude of this flu. ;-)

Hope he feels better very soon!

Abigail said...

I would say give him hugs and kisses for me, except i don't want you to get sick too!!