Monday, October 12, 2009

For Those of You Who Think I'm Falling Behind On The Blog Because I Skipped One Day

(And you know who you are)...

Here are some Monday highlights:

1. Ben went back to school today. He seems back to his usual self, and has had no fevers since Thursday. We stopped at school Friday and picked up a folder of assignments he'd missed, so we've been working to get caught up. We did a few assignments last night and a few more tonight and I think we only have two left. He's been a good sport about doing his missed work. From what I understand, a lot of kids in his class have the flu -- six kids were out today. The rest of us are flu-free so far but every five minutes I tell Joel I think I am coming down with something. ("I think I am coming down with something.")

2. I took my car to an auto-body shop to have it photographed for the insurance company. The guy estimated the repairs to cost $115. Considering that my car took most if not all the damage, you can see this was a serious accident indeed...

3. Rebecca was a bit of a feisty girl tonight. She got put in time out twice, first for throwing a cup across the room and then for throwing her food on the ground and stomping on it. When she got sent to time out she didn't even cry. She just marched over to the corner by the front door (which is where we send her for time out), plopped down with her back against the wall and stared at the Phillies game on TV until we told her she could get up. She also colored all over her arms with magic marker even though when I handed her the markers and paper I told her SPECIFICALLY to only color on the paper and not on herself. When I scolded her for coloring all over her arm she looked mystified ("how did THAT get there?") She of course was ridiculously cute despite (because of?) the orneriness.


Kathleen said...

Thank you!!!! :)

Grandma said...

You gave a magic marker to a two year old?!

Amanda said...

OMG... mom figured out how to leave a comment. I am going to pass out! LOL! just kidding mom... and they were erasable markers.